Sunday, March 17, 2013

وزارة العدل العراقية اليوم عن تنفيذ حكم الإعدام بحق 20 محكومًا

كشف مصدر في وزارة العدل العراقية اليوم عن تنفيذ حكم الإعدام بحق 20 محكومًا ينتمون إلى محافظات الأنبار وديالى وكركوك المحتجة على سياسات المالكي.
وأكد المصدر أن "جثث المعدومين نقلت يوم الخميس إلى دائرة الطب العدلي في بغداد، ولم يستطع ذوو المعدومين تسلم جثثهم إلا صباح أمس السبت"، ولفت إلى أن ساحة اعتصام الرمادي شهدت عملية تشييع لجثمان اثنين من الذين تم إعدامهم كما نقلت عنه وكالة "المدى بريس".
ومن جانبه، قال المتحدث الرسمي باسم اللجان التنسيقية في ساحة اعتصام الرمادي عدنان مشعل: "وصلت الحقيقة إلى ساحة العزة والكرامة.. جثتان لمعتقليْن أعدما ظلمًا في سجون الحكومة".
وأضاف: "إننا نستغرب ما قامت به الحكومة في الوقت الذي نعتقد أنها تريد حلاًّ للأزمة، تحاول تصعيد الأزمة وتقوم بقتل أبنائنا في السجون للاستهانة بأهل السنة ولإسقاط هوية أهل السنة باعتبارهم مستضعفين من قبل الدولة".
وأوضح مشعل أن "هناك مجموعة أخرى قد أعدمت في سجون الحكومة ولم يستطع أهلهم أن يأتوا بجثثهم بسبب طلب فدية منهم من القوات الأمنية مقابل تسليم الجثث لهم، وهذه نعتبرها جريمة لا تغتفر".
وحذَّر قائلاً: "لقد نفذ صبرنا ووصلنا إلى طريق مسدود؛ إما أن يأتوا بحل ويهدئوا هذه الجماهير أو أن هذه الجماهير المنتفضة ستكون بركانًا يتفجر في وجوههم، وسيكونون في بغداد في الأيام القليلة المقبلة". وقال: "أبناؤنا يقتلون في السجون ونرى من التعذيب ما لم نره وما لم يره الناس أجمع، فنحن نسأل أين حقوق الإنسان؟ فلماذا هذا التجاهل لحقوق الإنسان؟".
وتأتي هذه الإعدامات بالتزامن مع تصعيد كبير تشهده ساحات الاعتصام في المحافظات ذات الغالبية السنية التي تطالب منذ 25 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) الماضي بإطلاق سراح المعتقلين، وإلغاء قانوني المساءلة والعدالة ومكافحة الإرهاب، وتشريع قانون العفو العام، وتعديل مسار العملية السياسية، ووقف التهميش والإقصاء، وإعادة النظر بالأحكام وخصوصًا أن العديد من الاعترافات انتزعت من المتهمين تحت التعذيب والتهديد.
ومن جانبه، أكد رئيس مجلس النواب العراقي أسامة النجيفي في الخامس من الشهر الحالي أن حملات الاعتقال والتعذيب في السجون تجري على قدم وساق، كاشفًا عن "أربع وفيات بين السجناء خلال الشهر الماضي من جراء التعذيب".

Friday, March 15, 2013

Assad of Syria Forces Increases the Murder and Rapes of Civilians

The violence and bloodshed in Syria have surpassed anything seen in the Middle East since the days of Saddam Hussein's Iraq, according to independent investigators in a report released on Monday. There are also reports of sexual violence, including at checkpoints or while being held by intelligence agencies.

The new report, which urges a political solution to what has become an increasingly militarized and sectarian conflict, described the conflict as reaching “new heights of destruction.” The report, released by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry, disturbed members of the United Nations Security Council, according to the commission's chairman, Paulo Pinheiro.

“If the national, regional, and international actors fail to find a solution to the conflict and stop the agony of millions of civilians, the alternative will be the political, economic and social destruction of Syria and its society, with devastating implications for the region and the world,” Mr. Pinheiro warned, speaking on behalf of the four-member commission.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Powerful Death takes over us and we are Helpless Hugo Chavez

نيكولاس مادورو قبل وفاته خليفة له

الأربعاء، 6 مارس 2013 - 01:21

هوجو تشافز

هوجو تشافز

Scary picture.

Illness and death[edit]

Chávez walking with a cane accompanied by Rafael Correa in Caracas in July 2011, shortly after his first cancer surgery.
Chávez was diagnosed with cancer following the discovery of a mass in his pelvic region in June 2011. He traveled to Havana, Cuba where he underwent a surgical operation which removed a malignant cancerous tissue mass 'about the size of a baseball' from his waist. He underwent a second surgical operation in Venezuela one month later. Over the next 12 months, the President followed a cycle of chemotherapy that had obvious effects on his body (hair loss, some weight loss and bloating, etc.) during the Presidential Election campaign in mid-2012. The type of cancer Chávez was diagnosed with was never made public which fueled speculation over his condition (with speculations from being prostate cancer to colon cancer among others). Following the presidential election in October 2012 (where he was re-elected to a fourth term), he was flown back to Cuba for medical treatment and to return to Venezuela and stay at an army hospital only weeks before his death. Successive announcements of his return and updates of his health were criticised by the country's opposition that the population were unaware of the president's health and location. The fact that the cancer had metastasised was not made public during the campaign, and strongly denied by Government officers. After the first lung infection (pneumonia) in the last stages of his life, the President was intubated nearing the end of December. His breathing worsened until his death was announced at 16:25 VET (20:55 UTC) on 5 March 2013. Hugo Chávez died in Caracas, almost two years after he was first diagnosed. The opposition has long argued that the President was artificially kept alive, presumably in a coma, up to the start of his next term, to avoid triggering a new election.
Vice-president Nicolás Maduro announced Chávez's death on a mandatory television cadena (a decree forcing all broadcasters to relay State television content).[3]In an emotional eulogy Maduro said: "Let there be no weakness, no violence. Let there be no hate. In our hearts there should only be one feeling: Love."[4] Maduro indicated that Chávez had died "after battling a tough illness for nearly two years."[3] He added that police and troops would be deployed across the country 'to guarantee the peace.' The head of the presidential guard said Chávez died of a massive heart attack after great suffering and had inaudibly mouthed his desire to live. In an interview to the Associated Press he said that Chávez could not speak but he said it with his lips ... "I don't want to die. Please don't let me die".[5] The BBC reported isolated incidents of violence following the announcement of Chávez's death. Although pro-Chavez supporters attached and burned tents of students who had camped demanding more official information about Chávez's health, there were no reported injuries.[4] Vice-president Maduro indicated he had "no doubt" of foul play by "the historical enemies of our fatherland" behind Chávez's illness and death.[3] Defence Minister Diego Morelo Bellavia[6] said that the "Bolivarian" armed forces would be loyal to the vice president and National Assembly and urged supporters and opposition to remain calm.[4]